Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Do fillings need anesthesia?

I will get a dental filling. Do fillings need anesthesia?

4 Answers

some do some dont . Depends how deep they are its better to take care of them when they are small so you dont have to get anesthesia
Not all filings need anesthesia. Laser dentistry is now available as an alterative and sensation is very minimal. This also depends on patients and their pain tolerance. A good rule of thumb is the bigger the filling one may need the higher the chance a patient will need anesthesia.
Ggetting a filling should be an easy experience, however almost ALL the time you will need dental anesthetic. if the cavity (restoration area) is very new and very small you may not need anesthetic (a dental shot).Please try to listen to the dentist as their experience and training
should make things as easy as possible!!! enjoy and good luck!!
Whether you need an anesthetic or not really depends on you and the condition of your tooth. Do you have a large nerve, or is is shrunken? Are you normally very sensitive to things, or not? Most people want to be numb for fillings. I normally do, but I recently had 4 fillings across my front teeth that didn't bother me at all, until the very end. So you have a choice: you can have an injection to be numb, in which case you'll feel fat and tingly, but the cavity preparation shouldn't bother you at all (except maybe the noise), or you can try without and if it really bothers you, your dentist can make you numb at that point.