Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Do you breathe on your own under general anesthesia?

I am a 45 year old female. I want to know if you breathe on your own under general anesthesia?

5 Answers

General anesthesia may be given with maintenance of spontaneous respiration or may be given with mechanical ventilation. This is usually accomplished by giving neuromuscular blocking agents and controlling the patients ventilation with the anesthesia machine. General anesthesia with spontaneous ventilation often involves using a laryngeal mask airway or a supraglottic airway to facilitate respiration. If you have concerns about the anesthetic technique, be sure to ask your surgical and anesthesia teams about it prior to your anesthesia. Good luck!
Not all the time. Usually it depends on the type of surgery and anesthetic technique
That depends on the procedure/surgery that you are undergoing. Many procedures can be completed with the patient breathing on their own. However, other surgeries may require more muscle relaxation (paralysis). This sounds very disconcerting to many patients, but is should be understood that your anesthesiologist is fully trained to accomplish the best anesthetic for your procedure.

Yes. Under General Anesthesia, you may breathe by yourself.
Possible. Sometimes breathing is controlled, sometimes only supported