“Do you have to wear a retainer after Invisalign?”
I wear Invisalign already 7 months. I wonder if I have to wear a retainer after Invisalign?
4 Answers
Yes or your teeth will begin to shift from position. Takes 2 to 3 years for the fibers around the tooth to reorganize
Yes, most definitely. It is extremely important especially right after completing your Invisalign treatment to wear your retainers. Your Dentist will give you specific instructions, be sure to follow them rigidly.
You should 100% wear a retainer after any orthodontic tooth alignment whether the alignment was done with metal braces or Invisalign. If you move teeth, they will shift to some degree back toward their original position without something to hold them in place. That "something" is a retainer and it's the best thing you can do to protect your investment!