Dentist Questions Dentist

Root canal?

I did not complete my root canal treatment. I only did for the first day and never came back for three months. I went the day before yesterday and my toothaches a lot right now. What does that mean?

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: None
Conditions: None

8 Answers

When the nerve in the tooth gets infected, the bacteria comes out the end of the roots and out into the bone. When the root canal is completed, the inside of the tooth is clean and sterile and it is sealed up..keeping anymore bacteria from going into the bone. The patients immune system will eventually kill all the escaped bacteria in the bone (slowly, like ants taking away a sandpile). When I had a root canal, the tooth didn't hurt afterward, but didn't feel normal for 7-8 months. If you don't finish the treatment, you let the bacteria win and it'll keep hurting. If you chew hard things on the tooth before the root canal and crown are completed you can crack the tooth, which means you may still lose it. SO, my advice is complete the treatment, and if the doc says no cracks and no bacteria, get your crown done and you're good. I've had mine done 30 year or more ago & it's still good.
When we take out the nerve during the first appointment, it usually soothes the toothache for a short period of time. The root canal needs to completed ASAP in order to stop it from hurting again. Likely the reason you are in pain again is due to the infection going up the root again causing pain.
You did not provide enough information for me to answer your question. It depends on what they did when you went in the day before yesterday. If they did not complete the root canal, you should go back and have it completed. If it was completed, it might be normal for it to be a little achy for a week or so. But there could be a lot of other reasons why it might ache, so you should definitely contact your dentist and let them know. If they can't solve your problem, you should make an appointment with an endodontist.
Bacteria has returned to that site and is causing inflammation and more bone destruction.
That is normal. May feel sore for a few days. Take some Advil and make sure to complete it.
There is probably a reinfection of the canal. Usually in the first visit a partial root canal is completed whereby the nerve is removed and a temporary medication is placed to help the tooth heal. However the completion of the root canal is imperative for a successful treatment and to prevent relapse and reinfection.
Good morning,

It seems that the treatment was not completed. You should see the endodontist again.

Thank you,

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