“Do you need glasses for eye strain?”
I am a 30 year old male and I have eye strain. Do you need glasses for eye strain?
8 Answers
There is really nothing like eye strain. There is eye fatigue. If it is happening frequently. get an eye exam. You may need gasses. If the exam is normal, don’t worry and try to have a good diet habits and regular exercise.
Perhaps. This is a very generic question with lots of possible answers. The best way to answer it is for you to get an eye exam with a local eye health professional.
Eye strain can be caused by many different things. The cause of eye strain can usually be determined by a good history and a dilated eye exam, which will determine if you need glasses or not.
It depends on the cause but, typically, glasses help. You should also have a medical eye exam to rule out other problems, especially glaucoma and others.
Eye strain is too vague a symptom to recommend any treatment. You should consult with an ophthalmologist for this to determine what you need.