Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Does anxiety cause a stutter?

I am a 19 year old male. I have anxiety and a stutter. I want to know does anxiety cause a stutter?

4 Answers

It certainly can make a stutter worse. And it can cause changes in the speech pattern. Questions that need to be ask include how long you’ve had a stutter and also the nature of your anxiety. Would encourage you to see a neurologist or psychiatrist to evaluate things more completely, and potentially come up with great ways to help you!

Lance Steinberg, MD, Inc.
No, anxiety could make an existing stutter worse, but not cause it.
Anxiety can definitely cause one to stutter if you have the neurological elements to causes stuttering. When one is anxious, any kind of physical attribute will become more prevalent. You should go to a speech/language pathologist who has success with working with stuttering. There are strategies to help one with this condition. I have had luck with the few cases that I have worked with. It can be difficult depending on how severe your condition is. Have you ever seen the movie, The King’s Speech? You should watch it, if you haven’t already seen it. He had a very severe stuttering issue that improved but never completely went away, especially when under sever pressure. Good luck, and best wishes, Darrell Lauer
Anxiety can cause an individual to stutter though there may be other factors that cause the stuttering behavior as well.