Psychologist Questions Psychologist

Does counseling work for social anxiety?

My friend has social anxiety. I want to help her. Does counseling work for social anxiety?

12 Answers

Yes, it does.
Absolutely. This is a common reason many people start to go to counseling and therapy.
sometimes you may have good outcome, if failed you always could consider meds if you are struggling and is affecting your lifestyle.
Counseling may help. First, it is important to get an accurate diagnosis. Make sure your friend first visits her primary physician to get a physical exam. Anxiety can be a symptom of a variety of conditions. If her primary doctor agrees that her anxiety is not due to an underlying physical condition, your friend can see a counselor/therapist who has experience in treating anxiety conditions. She can call several therapists to find one who has experience treating these conditions. In addition, your friend needs to feel safe and confident with the therapist. Most likely, a therapist who has experience with behavioral and/or desensitization techniques would be helpful. Keep in mind that anxiety can be a symptom related to a variety of conditions. This is why it is important to get an accurate diagnosis first. Your friend may need a therapist who is competent to treat a variety of conditions that have anxiety as one of its symptoms. It is very fortunate that your friend has you to help her. Having a compassionate, empathic friend like yourself may be the vital part of her getting the help see needs. You and your friend together can do a search under "mental health" to find local listings of therapists/counselors and mental health clinics in your area. You may also have a local listing of state and county mental health boards who can make an appropriate referral. Thank you for your question. Please write or call again if I can be of additional help. I would like to receive a follow-up report if you and your friend are willing to let me know if your friend received the help needed. Robert A. Contadino, LPCC, M.A., Ph.D. Cincinnati, Ohio
Therapy does work for social anxiety. It's important to get to the roots of the thoughts that are perpetuating the anxiety and attempt to replace them with more positive thoughts. I also like to work on self-esteem, as well as use Cognitive Behavioral Therapeutic techniques to provide experiences for the patient where they can practice skills learned in therapy and then share their experience during the next session.
Absolutely...sometimes specialized type of therapy such as CBT can be very helpful.
Yes absolutely, using different interventions and using different coping skills.
Counseling can indeed be effective in addressing social anxiety. In the early sessions, supportive inquiry helps the client identify and begin to challenge automatic negative cognitive and emotional responses to social situations. This prepares the way for planning a series of intentional exposures to social situations that the person has found difficult and has therefore begun to avoid. Techniques for managing anxiety before, during, and after social encounters are rehearsed. Debriefing in session what went wrong and (especially) what went right in these new attempts provides further opportunities to develop greater reality-based social confidence and to continue to expand one's a social experience and social competence.
Yes, it does, particularly CBT.
The best way to treat social anxiety is through cognitive behavioral therapy or medication and often both.
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