Psychiatrist Questions Psychologist

Does depression cause personality change?

I am a 39 year old male. My 13 year old daughter shows signs of depression including oversleeping. I want to know if depression causes personality change?

7 Answers

Yes, depression can cause a change in personality and behaviors, e.g. sleeping more than usual is definitely a classic symptom. Please take your daughter to a psychiatrist or psychologist for an assessment and psychotherapy.
While depression can change behavior, mood and patterns of emotional/social expression, if it is treated proximal to when the symptoms first develop, they are less likely to influence more pervasive personality traits.
I assume you must have reasons beyond ‘oversleeping’ to say that your daughter is depressed. Perhaps it would be good to take her to her pediatrician for an evaluation.

Should it be that she is actually depressed, that means that she feels miserable. So it would be good to find her relevant treatment. Depression does not cause personality change itself, but the results of depression can lead to poor self worth, lack of friendships and socialization normal for teens, lack of success at school, etc.
So, do get her some help!


Dr. Marian K. Shapiro
Licensed psychologist
Depression is not known to CAUSE personality changes per se. Depression is known to impact aspects of the personality such as coping, motivation, and interest level. Personality as a human construct is fairly stable in its development over time, thus it is established early in life and remains relatively invulnerable to major change with the exception of certain medical conditions including first episode psychosis, certain drugs, and brain injuries.
Yes, it can
Depression can surely do this. It would be worth having her formally evaluated by her pediatrician and referral to psychiatry could be appropriate.
See this link...,even%20physical%20injury%20or%20illness.
