Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Does frozen shoulder ever go away?

I have a frozen shoulder. Does frozen shoulder ever go away?

3 Answers

Yes, acute frozen shoulders often get better with chiropractic care and or physical therapy.
Hello. With regards to frozen shoulder and its outcome, a large part depends on the history of the affected shoulder. Frozen shoulder is brought on by inflammation within the shoulder structures, usually due to trauma. If left unattended, the inflammatory response can end up laying down tough, fibrous tissue around the structural shoulder components and cause decreased ranges of motion, accompanied with pain. It is important to address the inflammation and work to keep ranges of motion intact. There have been cases bad enough to require "breaking" of the fibrous tissue in order to restore motion of the joint. So, it comes down to the severity and longevity of your complaint. It is possible to overcome a frozen shoulder, with work. Remember, if you start a program to ease your situation, don't overdo it. Motion is your friend and inflammation is your enemy.
Yes it can through a lot of rehab and treatments. I have frozen shoulder cases all the time. How quickly it goes away depends on the patient and what they respond to. I have had patients get better through adjustments and muscle work, adjustments and acupuncture or just acupuncture alone. Thank you for your time!