“Does periodontal disease treatment hurt?”
I have a gum infection and will get treatment. Does periodontal disease treatment hurt?
4 Answers
It is important to ask your doctor or dentist all questions you may have, as well as letting him/her know your concerns before scheduling treatment. Dr. Hackbarth is always available to answer questions for his patients during consultation appointments as well as by phone.
Take food and Advil an hour before treatment and also 4 hrs. later, if you can take Advil. This will minimize discomfort. Usually just sore for a day or two.
Aftet treatment discomfort depends on the extent of periodontal issue which was treated. Severe case may lead to a tooth loss.
This is a tough question just because there are so many types of treatments for periodontal disease, some being non surgical and others being surgical. Some treatments involve laser therapy, some use periodontal dressings and other adjuncts. But generally, you are always numb and comfortable during the procedure itself. You can usually even ask for different levels of sedation to make you more comfortable and relaxed. Soreness or healing time is totally dependent on what type of therapy you're having done, how well you take care of your mouth, your immune system, etc.