Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Does skin tighten after liposuction?

I am a 28 year old female. I want to know if skin tightens after liposuction?

5 Answers

Most 28 year olds skin will tighten but it depends on the amount of fat removed and the quality of your skin.
At your age, you still have great elasticity and you should do well as your skin will accommodate and most likely tighten. However, after age 40, you will most likely need to add a tightening device such as a laser or radiofrequency.
There can be a modest tightening or contraction of the overlying skin and soft tissues after liposuction, but the success of this effect depends on how elastic the skin is. The younger and less stretched the skin appears and feels, the more likely skin contraction will occur after liposuction. With damaged or aged skin or with significant stretch marks (also called ‘striae’), skin contraction after liposuction is much less realistic to expect, and in these cases, skin excision procedures would be a better approach with a more predictable postoperative cosmetic outcome (e.g., a tummy tuck, a.k.a. abdominoplasty, rather than abdominal liposuction alone).

Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM
Skin may tighten depending in area treated, type if lipoaspiration equipment use and pre treatment skin laxity. If large amount of adipose tissue is removed , skin may not tighten. Every case needs to be evaluated by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to determine if procedure is appropriate.