Orthopedist Questions orthopedic care

Does walking help bad knees that are extremely painful?

Hello, my question has to do with knee pain and exercise. Below are the notes from my knee Doctor. I work 8 hours daily, 40 hours a week. I work at a plastic sheet factory and have been there for 13 months. I walk an average of 7,000 feet (3.5 miles) a day. I also carry heavy plastic sheets throughout the day and am constantly going up and down stairs. My knees are in constant pain, and by the end of the day, I can barely walk.
My question is would daily exercise help or hurt me worse than the pain I'm in? Below are my Ortho Doctors notes. Here's some of my notes and pains that are constant daily. My tibia or fibula is rubbing bone to bone with my femur and is digging a hole in my femur. The meniscus in both knees are either gone or close to being gone. Both knees are slowly bowing out causing disfigurement and lots of pain.
Below are my doctor's notes showing more of my knee issues.
My question is, should I exercise before or after work and what exercises should I do, or should I stay of my knees as much as possible except for during work?
Thank you,

Doctors Notes.

History of Present Illness
PHIL is a 45 year old male who presents today to follow up on bilateral knee pain. He was last seen in my office 8/2/22 for bilateral knee injections. Today he reports that the injections last for about a month to two months. HE would like to proceed with injections today.
Active Problems
• History of arthroscopy of left knee (V45.89) (Z98.890)
• History of fracture (V15.51) (Z87.81)
• Internal derangement of both knees (717.9) (M23.91,M23.92)
• Internal derangement of left knee (717.9) (M23.92)
• Knee pain, bilateral (719.46) (M25.561,M25.562)
• Left knee pain (719.46) (M25.562)
• Osteoarthritis of knees, bilateral (715.96) (M17.0)
Past Medical History
• History of arthritis (V13.4) (Z87.39)
• History of asthma (V12.69) (Z87.09)
Surgical History
• History of Knee surgery
•Phreesia 01/04/2022
• Family History
• Family history of arthritis (V17.7) (Z82.61) : Mother, Father
Social History
• Current occasional smoker (305.1) (Z72.0)
• Employed
• No alcohol use
• No illicit drug use
• Single

Current Meds
- Lisinopril TABS;
- Therapy: (Recorded:10Mar2022) to Recorded
- Montelukast Sodium TABS;
- Therapy: (Recorded:10Mar2022) to Recorded
- traMADol HCl - 50 MG Oral Tablet; TAKE 1 TABLET EVERY 8 HOURS PRN pain;
- Therapy: 02Aug2022 to (Evaluate:24Nov2022) Requested for: 14Nov2022; Last
- Rx:14Nov2022 Ordered

Vital Signs
- Recorded: 06Dec2022 01:21PM
- Height: 5 ft 10 inWeight: 188 lb
- BMI Calculated: 26.98 kg/m2
- BSA Calculated: 2.03
- Physical Exam
- Examination of the bilateral knees:
- Varus alignment with varus thrust. Range of motion is 0-120. Positive crepitus. Minimal effusion. No instability.
• Knee pain, bilateral (719.46) (M25.561,M25.562)
• Osteoarthritis of knees, bilateral (715.96) (M17.0)

Male | 45 years old
Complaint duration: 5 years
Medications: Tramadol 50mg, Ibuprofen 800, Lisinopril, Paxil, montelusk.
Conditions: Asthma, depression, high blood pressure, arthritis in both knees, torn ligaments in both knees, degenerative meniscus, bone to bone, etc..

5 Answers

Activity helps but walking that much on knees that bad isn't going to help. The reality is that you need knee replacement surgery. At 45, this isn't great because they will only last 15-20 years on average. You COULD try another arthroscopy but there's no guarantees. Artificial joint fluid is a possibility, as is the use of stem cells or PRP. Insurances will cover the fluid but not the stem cells. For exercise, it should be NON IMPACT, such as riding a bike, elliptical trainer, etc. If you're heavy, lose weight. Anything you can do to lighten the force put on your knees.

Good luck!!
Unfortunately, there is no x-ray report but the examination notes are consistent with severe arthritis. Injections are only a temporary help if at all. Exercise at this stage of arthritis is also of minimal benefit other than keeping the muscles strong. I believe that you're only real
the solution is knee replacement.
You have severe knee arthritis. The only exercise you should be doing are joint unloading exercises such as swimming or stationary bicycling. It looks like you seriously need to consider talking to an Orthopaedic Surgeon about a knee replacement.
You should exercise as tolerated/low impact-swimming, etc. However, the damage to your knees is significant and may require surgical treatment.
Bowing indicates progression of the arthritis. I recommend a knee replacement evaluation. Great outcomes long term results

Babajide Ogunseinde MD
Orthopedic Spine Surgery