Ophthamologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Double vision and other symptoms?

I've had a lump behind my eyelid for quite some time. I have astigmatism and some sort of myopia. My vision has slowly declined since childhood. My last exam was 10 years plus, I tested at 20/+225. My parents did the patch thing when I was way little so I don't have a lazy eye. The problem is that since I have little to no vision in my right eye. Unless I examine in the mirror with the other eye, I can't tell if it's losing vision significantly. The other day I covered my left eye just to see if I could see out the right, and in the upper corner of my right eye I have a black spot, it sometimes burns and I swear I feel it move behind my eyelid. I would like to know if it is possible or has anyone experienced a bug fly in the eye but instead of flushing out it burrowed behind my eye and now has taken up residence? What other possibilities could it be?

Female | 41 years old
Complaint duration: Approx 1 year
Medications: Lopressor, clobetasol. 05%cream for scalp
Conditions: Hypertension, alopecia areta

6 Answers

get your eyes examined
10 years !!!!
You need to go to see an ophthalmologist. Probably because it needs evaluation. The bump Is probably an old chalazion. Not Likely to be a bug.
In response to your information and question: You are essentially a young person without useful vision in one eye and a eye/visual problem in the other and have not had an ophthalmological exam in 10 years. The picture you posted is of absolutely no value with regard to your issues. You need to see an Ophthalmologist for a thorough evaluation and treatment as indicated.
Sounds like a floater , please get a dilated eye exam
A complete ophthalmologic exam should be performed to determine the cause of your symptoms.
With your double vision and eyelid symptoms and previous history of a lazy eye, you should definitely see an Optometrist. Your Optometrist can perform a thorough eye exam and prescribe safety glasses to protect your good eye. I recommend you perform a visual field test to evaluate the black spot that you see in the upper corner of your vision in your right eye. Your Optometrist can also look at the lump in your eyelid and give you better answers than I can with just an email and no photos of either eyelid. I hope you set up an appointment with an Optometrist. I would be happy to see you if you are in the Friendswood area.