Emergency Medicine Questions Emergency Physician

ER or not for chronic severe skin infections?

I have painful, red patches that sting whenever there is movement of my breast and constantly feel like it's burning. It has a very weird pungent odor coming from it. I've had it for a little over 2 days and now it's spread to other parts of my body. It initially began directly under my right breast and now it's in between the top of my buttocks crack and in between my thighs. Same feeling same smell. Also, under my left breast, there is nothing I could see as in seeing anything physically wrong, unlike my other breast. However, I started to feel the burning stinging sensation that feels the same as the other rashes except there is nothing showing the same way my other breast is. It feels the same so I'm not sure if it's possible to have the same infection under my skin? I do have a history of chronic MRSA and I have always had some pretty stubborn breakouts that needed to be dealt with through intravenous antibiotics and required hospitalization and sometimes surgery to remove boils and skin abcesses. Not sure if I should go to hospital since my doctor isn't in his office until next week but this pain and smell is unbearable. I don't want to wait if it's potentially something serious but also don't want to go to to ER and take up space if it's something minor. Should I consider this an emergency due to the rapid spreading? Also, around the main rash on the bottom of my breast is it normal to have those smaller patches of the rash be in a different spot that is the same rash but is separated?

Female | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days

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