“Ear wax impacted?”
Male | 63 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: Antibiotic steroid drops
Conditions: Impacted ear wax
6 Answers
After the prescribed time period for the drops, simply return for a repeat examination. The remainder of the wax (and possibly, blood) should be easier to remove as it should be softened by the drops. At that point, an audiogram and tympanometry should be performed.
Cleaning ears can create some trauma - this is not unusual at all based on how deep the wax is, quality of wax, or if a patient moves. This method will not create hearing loss. The ENT specialist will put you on antibiotics and steroid drops in order to prevent an ear canal infection and swelling. Recommend you follow up with the specialist again to make sure the ear canal is fine, all wax is removed, and then obtain a hearing test.
Dr. D