Pharmaceutical Medicine Questions Pharmacist

Effects from taking cipro/flagyl antibiotics?

What should I do to feel better from taking antibiotics prescribed for diverticulitis that is leaving me feeling fatigued and listless?

Female | 67 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Medications: cipro / flagyl
Conditions: listless / fatigue

4 Answers

First confirm that your condition has healed and that you don’t have residual disease.
Lots of probiotics to replenish good gut flora that is being killed from the antibiotics. With diverticulitis you want to eat an easy to digest diet as well until the inflammation has calmed down.
The treatment should not last forever. Make sure you are eating with the medication if allowed and getting enough rest at night. However, those medications listed are not known to cause fatigue and listlessness. It could be from your body trying to heal itself. Try to take all your doses as prescribed and when you have finished with your treatment and you have healed up, your energy should come back.
If those symptoms are secondary to the antibiotics, then they will abate after the antibiotics are stopped. However, I would guess that those symptoms may be more related to the diverticulitis itself and not the treatment. Any inflammatory process can make you feel fatigued, so with complete resolution of the diverticulitis, the fatigue should also resolve, but it will take time.