Allergist and Immunologist Questions Allergist and Immunologist

Flonase could be causing jaundice

I am taking Flonase (inhaled) to calm down my allergies during the weekdays, and ive noticed my eyes seem yellow as of recently, and its the only thing i can think of that could be causing this. ive been taking flonase for about 4 months, and ive noticed my eyes being yellow for about half a month now. i dont drink nor do i smoke. i used to have bad asthma when i was younger, but it seems to have toned down these days. please help me, thanks.

Male | 15 years old
Complaint duration: 4 months
Medications: none
Conditions: asthma

2 Answers

You need to see a Dr. Having yellowing of the whites of your eyes is serious, even life threatening.
It is unlikely that flonase is causing jaundice, See your primary care doctor to look for the cause.