Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

Flushing of the face from Prednisone?

In November 2018, I was prescribed prednisone for a cold. I had 20mg tablets and took them for 10 days. For months after I took the prednisone my face would flush at random, no specific emotion would necessarily trigger the flushing. When I took a shower or ever got hot, my face would get as red as a tomato. After around 3 months of this I went to a doctor (can’t remember if it was a family doctor or dermatologist) and they prescribed me something that got rid of the flushing. I really wish I could remember what it was. At the time I did not know that it was the prednisone that caused the flushing. Fast forward 3 years almost to the day, and I had another cold. I was prescribed prednisone again, and my face started flushing again. I then knew that the prednisone is the root of the issue. When I looked up the side effects it became obvious. But what I can’t figure out is why it’s lasts so long with me. It’s been almost a month since I’ve taken it, and I assume I’m going to need to get prescribed something again to get rid of this issue. Any ideas?

Male | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 25 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

While flushing is not unusual with steroids, I suspect there is something else underlying the propensity towards flushing as the length of time of your symptoms cannot be solely blamed on the Prednisone. Direct side effects from medications normally do not last that long - there are a few syndromes that can, but this is not the case here. You may want to see either your physician or the dermatologist back to have full evaluation. 

Monika Korff, MD
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