Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Forehead/Top of Head Pressure/Sensation?

I have forehead pressure and a sensation on the top of my head that won't go away. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Paracetamol won't work in eliminating or mitigating this problem. I feel a tightening sensation on my upper back (not painful but noticeable), this feeling is accompanied by numb arms. I feel a crawling sensation on my cheeks/lower jaw, like goosebumps, I also feel this sensation on the tip of my ears. I also feel pressure on the area between my eyes.

When the forehead pressure occurs my mind is foggy, sometimes I am confused and have slow thought processing, also I am unable to concentrate. This problem has been occurring since last year March and I have seen multiple specialists with no luck, It happened every day since it started (I wake up and go to sleep with it). I have also taken brain scans and there is no sign of a tumor, I have done blood tests and other physical examinations and I can say I am physically healthy. Please help, What could I be missing? My life is being affected, recently I've been starting to have suicidal thoughts due to this problem.

Male | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 30/2/1
Medications: Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Paracetamol
Conditions: None

1 Answer

This seems to be a quite complicated situation and warrants an in-person valuation. I would recommend that you consult with a psychiatrist as soon as you can, please.
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