Allergist and Immunologist Questions Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)


Why do I gag when I eat all yogurts it is not just one type it is all?

Female | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days

2 Answers

Gagging may have many causes. The specific reason you gag from only yogurt is puzzling. In general people who spontaneously gag excessively have silent redux or laryngeal-pharyngeal reflux which causes the throat to be chronically irritates (that would not be specific to yogurt). One simple explanation is that while yogurt is healthy at some level you simply do not like its flavor or texture. If you are otherwise completely healthy just avoid eating yogurt.
Phillip B Flexon MD, FACS
You may be sensitive to milk protein. If so, avoid yogurt and possibly other milk products.
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