Neurosurgeon Questions Head Injuries


Long time ago, maybe 3 or 4 months by now, I fainted and hit my head with the pharmacy counter. A few second after I woke up lost a a little paranoid about where I was and what just happened. But few seconds I was fine just a little confused. Today, after what happened im still having the pain on the left side of my head and it’s a little painful but I can hold it. But feels like a needle in my head going through.

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 3 or 4 months
Medications: None
Conditions: None

4 Answers

You likely have a concussion. They can have symptoms that last anywhere from weeks to months. See a medical professional about your diagnosis and potential treatment options, which may include medicine or therapies
It is probably some scar tissue in the area. If it hurts when you press it that can simply be some bruising. If you lost consciousness at the time of the event you should have been seen in a hospital to make sure there was no fracture or blood in the brain from the impact.
There may be some local tissue or sensory nerve damage. Would reach out to your PCP or see a Neurologist if you can.
You had a brief concussion. That explains your altered mental status after the injury and your post concussive symptoms thereafter This is very common and will resolve over 6 months to 1 year. If worsens I would recommend ct or mri brain just to make sure.

Paul E Kaloostian MD, FAANS, FACS
Diplomat, American Board of Neurological Surgery
Fellow, American Association of Neurological Surgery
Fellow, American College of Surgeons
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