Orthopedics Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Hand and wrist injury?

I have had this hand and wrist injury for a week. I was trying to open something and when I did idk what happened but now I have swelling, bruising, deformity, stiffness, tingling, achy, lots of pain. I just wanted to see if Skyrim’s could help see if it’s broken or just a really bad sprain. I am allergic to penicillin.

Female | 15 years old
Complaint duration: 3/6/06

5 Answers

You need X-rays. Visit ER.
At 10 days, if not improved by then, see your doctor to see if an X-ray is indicated
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An X-ray can diagnose a fracture.An MRI Ligament and tendon injury.
If you are 15 please involve your parents in your medical care. You should get an evaluation and x-ray.
Good afternoon.
An X-ray would be the definitive way to see if a bone is broken. If you are healthy, it would be very unlikely to break a bone opening something. More likely a sprain. If very painful, get yourself a wrist splint and wear all the time until pain free. Then a week or two when at high risk (lifting, pushing, twisting, etc.). During this time, work on light range of motion and strengthening. If pain persists with the splint allowing to rest, go to an orthopedic doctor and have an X-ray and evaluation performed.
Good luck.