Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Head pain?

I fell Monday morning and hit my head pretty hard on the wall. My sister watched me for 24 hours for a concussion. I do have an area on my forehead and top of head that is slightly swollen and have some pain. Today however it feels like pins are poking me on top of my head. What could this mean?

Female | 66 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: losartan, propranolol, atorvastatin
Conditions: high blood pressure, asthma

2 Answers

It probably is due to the hematoma exhorting pressure in the nerve rootlets on your scalp. Make sure it's not growing (hematoma = bump on your head). If it's getting larger, seek medical attention immediately. 
Pins and needles sensations are usually from injury to the nerves in the skin. The feeling does not usually occur from brain injury inside the skull.