Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Headache


I’ve had a headache since yesterday morning, mainly around my eyes, eyebrows and forehead. Lastnight I noticed my forehead seemed swollen. I took ibuprofen lastnight before bed, but woke up this morning with no change. I’ve had a stuffy nose off and on but not bad at all.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days
Medications: Ibuprofen, Norethindrone Acetate and Ethynol Tablets (birth control)
Conditions: N/A

4 Answers

Most likely allergy related Take Flonase and Allegra D
I sure would like to rule out sinus infection. You need to consult ENT and likely need CT scan of your sinuses.
95% of headaches are so-called tension headaches. Have you been under unusual stress lately? I'm not sure what "seemed to be swollen" means. If you truly had a disease process making your forehead swell, you wouldn't be describing it that way. I don't know what you're worried that these symptoms mean, but it doesn't sound as if you have an ongoing disease. If you've only had the symptoms for 24 hours, give it some time to resolve. Exercise (taking a walk or doing some simple calisthenics, perhaps) is often effective for tension headache. I'm assuming you don't have fever or symptoms other than what you described.
If your symptoms have only been present for 2 days, it is likely related to a viral infection. If you are symptomatic for over 10 days or get somewhat better but then worsen again, that can be a sign of sinusitis. You can try over the counter nasal saline irrigations (Neti Pot for example) and topical nasal steroids (such as Flonase) as well. Some patients benefit from antibiotics if their symptoms do not resolve with these measures.