OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions HIV/AIDS

Help regarding HIV medication?

I had sex with a prostitute three weeks ago. I am 100% HIV negative before this. On the 3rd of this month, I started taking tenvir em tablets as pep. But someone now told me that tenevir em is only effective if taken with efavir tablets to prevent HIV. Should I continue taking or should I stop taking em or should I add enga ur now? I am a 32 year old male who has no other health issues and completely healthy. My liver and kidney functions are completely normal.

Male | 33 years old
Medications: Tenvirr em
Conditions: None

3 Answers

First, see an MD. Have some blood tests to R/O a TSD before taking those medications.
This is a very involved timing question with regard to a very deadly disease. HIV is usually not a single exposure transmission risk but that is never a guarantee; this type of exposure needs professional follow-up to ensure that you are not the unlucky one in the minority who would have exposure and then positive testing.
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Please talk to the physician who prescribed the prep medication to you to better explain the timing and the medication's efficacy based on your sexual habits and behavior. It is also important to use safer sex practices (i.e. condoms) along with whatever prep medications to decrease your risk. Please listen to trained professionals and not 'someone' who might have read something on the internet.