“Herniated disc T7-8?”
The remainder of the intervertebral discs appear normal with no hernia or significant bulging at any other level. I had another MRI June 2020 - Schmorl’s node defects are again seen along the superior endplate of T10 and the inferior endplate of T11. The previously noted focal disc protrusion at the T7-T8 level is less prominent than on the last examination. There is only minimal effacement of the anterior thecal sac with no contact of the cord. There is a smaller central disc protrusion also at the T6-T7 level also with only minimal contact of the thecal sac. There is no evidence of spinal or foraminal stenosis within the thoracic spine. Could the second herniation at T6-7 be the reason for the herniation at T7-8 to be smaller on the last MRI?
Male | 57 years old