“High PTH and calcium level but no adenoma in parathyroid?”
Age: 61 years
Height: 1m58cm
Weight: 73kg
Health History: Patient went through severe depression in her early 20s and was treated
-Tiring easily or regular general weakness
-Depression and brain fog
-Bone and joint pain
-Frequent complaints of illness with no apparent cause
-Feel like vomiting
-Acid Reflux
-Palpilation early morning before waking up
Possible root cause:
High level of PTH (Around 210 - 245)
High Level of Calcium
Blood tests have concluded high level of PTH and Calcium in the blood. In ultrasound, nodules were identified in thyroid but thyroid is functioning normal as per report.
No adenoma in parathyroid. Did heart scan, and no issue was identified.
Our query:
We would like to know if surgery on the thyroid and parathyroid is compulsory and if not what could be the treatment?
Female | 61 years old