Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How can I fix my heel pain?

I have heel pain and want to treat it. What can I do?

9 Answers

Dr. Jose Loor, our experienced podiatrist, specializes in addressing heel pain and can provide personalized solutions based on your specific condition.

I highly recommend scheduling an appointment with Dr. Loor at or by calling (646) 631-8861. This step ensures you receive expert care tailored to your needs, leading to effective and lasting relief from heel pain.
See a podiatrists, it is one of if not the most common thing we see. We have a whole treatment protocol for heel pain which is designed to help the individual patient get back to full function without pain as soon as possible and more importantly help them not keep having this condition reoccur which can be very common if the entire condition and cause is not dealt with properly. We we have a lot of different treatments that are available for this condition, that we select for the individual patient and their issues. We give our patients a list of recommended shoes, we recommend a good supportive prefabricated insole, unfortunately there just is not good options online, patients tend to waste money for inferior products, we do have custom orthotics, we give them stretching exercises, we evaluate for equinus deformity which is also due to a short Achilles tendon most of the time, if this is not addressed the condition will likely recur, we have proven nonsurgical techniques to help with this condition, we have cortisone injections that are available, it is important not to rely completely on a cortisone injection, we also have higher quality treatment options such as shockwave therapy which in our office is 90 to 95% successful for Plantar fasciitis, we also have MLS Laser technology which is also very successful, and we have amniotic tissue injections to help replenish damaged tissues. We also have the option of doing surgery however that is generally not necessary. Good luck, please get this treated soon, the sooner you treat heel pain or plantar fasciitis, the easier it is to get rid of. It generally will not go away on its own.
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The best treatment for heel pain is a stretching exercise. Whether your heel pain is achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis. When doing the stretching I recommend 2 sets of 10 twice a day. More is not better. You can google the different stretching exercises for each condition. If after doing the stretching for a month and you still have heel pain, then I recommend you see your local podiatrist.
Start with applying ice and take Aleve or Motrin Get Outlook for iOS<>
Stretching, icing, orthotics, injection, and laser therapy are good options
It depends on the root cause of the heel pain; common causes are heel spurs, achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, etc... definite need an evaluation by podiatrist to diagnose this issue.
It’s likely plantar fasciitis, I have a video on it, on ‘the osteo center’ YouTube channel
Begin with rest and ice. I recommend you schedule an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment options
The most common cause of heel pain is Plantar Fasciitis. There is a great deal of information you can read on my patient-doctor question section here, and other places on line. If you do the things recommended, and your pain persists >1 month, you should see a specialist for further evaluation and treatment.