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How can I fix my heel pain?

I have heel pain. How can I fix my heel pain?

12 Answers

cause of heel pain can vary depending on location and nature. most commonly, pain on the back of the heel at the achilles tendon insertion is due to tight achilles tendon. pain on the bottom of the heel is most commonly plantar fasciitis. if you are having pain initially when standing that improves with some walking, then it is probably one of the two depending on the location of your pain. however, if you have pain in the heel area at rest, then more workup is needed to ensure you do not have a nerve condition. other possible options can be a stress fracture or bone tumor depending on the symptoms. radiographic evaluation and workup by a qualified podiatric surgeon will provide a more accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
I recommend stretching calf and arch, icing your heel daily and getting into a good supportive OTC arch support and add an anti-inflammatory and if it isn't resolving a night splint or Strasberg sock can be beneficial.
If no improvement its time to see your local foot doc.
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The best thing for heel pain is stretching. Whether its for plantar fasciitis or achilles tendonitis, stretching is the best thing to do. If pain persists longer than 2 weeks, I would recommend seeing your local podiatrist.
That question can not be answered here. The pain in your heel can be originated for different causes, each cause needs a different solution. You need to go to a podiatrist.
Most heel pain is caused by plantar fasciitis. If you have plantar fasciitis, then that is usually treated with rest from strenuous activity/exercising, considerable stretching, and anti inflammatories. I would suggest looking up stretching for plantar fasciitis, and try to stretch for at least 15-30 minutes per day.
Go see a podiatrist to have a proper physical exam done
X ray first
Could be heel spur
Could be plantar fasciitis
Try stretching, over the counter pain creams, inserts for your shoes, different shoes that offer more cushioning and finally if the pain persists then see a podiatrist for possible steroid injections, physical therapy but NEVER consider surgery. I specialize in Orthotripsy, a one time treatment for the resolution of chronic plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis. N o time off from work or activites. Go to midohiofootandankle.com to learn more.
Hi! I would try stretching, ice, supportive shoes and over the counter mediations. if this does not help, I would seek evaluation by a podiatrist.
Heel pain can have multiple causes. I recommend you schedule an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment options
The most common cause of heel pain is Plantar Fasciitis, and you can read many responses and articles I have written on the subject if you look through my responses to patient questions. But there are many other reasons for heel pain, and you should have an appropriate diagnosis prior to trying to treat the problem.
Pain is the symptom of some underlying condition. we do not just treat heel pain, we diagnose first the root cause and then implement treatment. causes of heel pain can be plantar fasciitis, heel spur, tendonitis, ligament sprain, flat feet etc. please consult a local podiatrist to find the root cause, treat the cause and pain will go away.