Family Medicine Questions Family Practitioner

I have swelling in my feet and legs?

I started new high blood pressure pills a week and a half ago. I went to the hospital having a hard time catching my breath and swelling in my feet. They gave me hydrochlorothiazide 25mg tab and albuterol sulfate had inhalation aerosol. But never said anything about swelling in my feet. Just a few days in my feet and the bottom part of my leg was swelling and I started having problems breathing again. Now my feet are and my whole leg is swollen and the bottom part of my leg and feet have redness. This is very painful I can sleep very well and can't wear shoes or my jeans. When I stand up after setting my legs and feet are so swollen they hurt to bend to walk. But the bottom part of my leg hurts all the time. They keep getting bigger and catching my breath is getting harder. Please help me.

Female | 59 years old
Complaint duration: This has been going on for 5 6 days
Medications: I told you at top
Conditions: High blood pressure

6 Answers

Because your initial symptoms are escalating, I recommend you go to the emergency room to rule out a blood clot in your leg, also known as a DVT. This can be a life threatening situation and warrants immediate attention.
You may have heart disease. See an internist.
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I recommend that you call the doctor that order the new meds, or go to ER.
I recommend you make an appointment with your primary care physician for follow up care. If not available, I recommend you present to a medical aid unit or the emergency department again for follow up
You need to immediately go to an Emergency Room in your area and have a venous ultrasound to rule out a DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis/Blood clot) in that leg. You also need to be checked for CHF (Congestive Heart Failure). The diuretic was a good idea if you only had fluid retention, but it seems you are suffering from something that could be a medical emergency. Go straight to the ER.
It appears you may cellulitis and should seek medical care ASAP for treatment.