“How can I get rid of a toothache?”
I have toothache already 3 days. How can I get rid of a toothache?
4 Answers
Since there can be many different causes for toothache, the best thing to do is to go to a dentist and have the tooth evaluated. Sometimes it is a fairly easy fix, such as a filling or cleaning out the gum pocket around the tooth, but sometimes it can be an infection that can lead to more serious problems. A dentist can take an x-ray or two and properly diagnose and treat the problem.
Be diligent with home care, meaning brushing and flossing twice per day to remove debris to keep your gums healthy. Take over-the-counter pain medication and contact your Dentist. Should you have a fever, or swelling in the area of the toothache, or if the swelling obstructs your breathing, report to the Emergency room at your nearest hospital.
See your dentist! A toothache that lingers needs to be evaluated for decay, loose or missing fillings that can cause pain or the nerve may be inflamed which might require a root canal treatment.
This question has a very easy answer. There are people who have dedicated their entire professional career to helping individuals like you get rid of a toothache in a snap. You probably understand that it is extremely rewarding to help someone in dire need! These individuals are call "dentists" and I would recommend that you call one right away. You will feel better immediately and so will your dentist who got you out of pain. Please call now!