Dentist Questions Dentist

How can I make my wisdom teeth stop hurting?

My wisdom tooth has been hurting for the last 6 days. What can I take for pain?

8 Answers

You need to take a visit to the dentist for an evaluation. You can take any over-the-counter pain medication. 
You should have them evaluated clinically. You should have X-rays done too.

The best course of action is to schedule an appointment for consultation.


Alternate tylenol and motrin, but schedule to have them removed as soon as possible.
Do warm salt water rinses 3x per day. You may need extraction. See a dentist for the cause of the pain before they become infected.
Get them removed. Otherwise they will continue to hurt and worsen. Taking medicine is just a temporary bandage.

Dr Jensen
Take Advil, Alleve=Naproxen but if swollen you may need antibiotics