“How can I prevent my daughter's obesity?”
My daughter is overweight and I want to prevent obesity. How can I prevent my daughter's obesity?
3 Answers
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The best way is to set a good example on eating properly and staying active. There is no way we can expect our children to do something that we, as parents, are not willing to do. In addition, find a bariatrician in your area who can help her. Please go to: https://obesitymedicine.org/find-obesity-treatment/ to find a qualified physician to help her to overcome obesity and be able to live a long and healthy life.
The best way to prevent obesity is to buy and prepare healthy, fresh, non-processed food for your entire family. Limit fast food to an occasional treat. Make sure she drinks plenty of water and don't buy sodas or sweetened beverages. Limit screen time (TV, video games, YouTube) to less than 2 hours per day. Get her involved in physical activity. The entire family should be doing all these things to stay healthy.