Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

How effective is the flu shot?

My daughter will get a flu shot. I want to know how effective is the flu shot?

3 Answers

The answer is a bit complex, but here it goes. Each year very bright scientists predict, or try to predict which strains of flu will be in the US, then give this data to flu vaccine makers, who then make the vaccine. Flu vaccine has 3 or 4 different strains of flu that it will protect against. The overall efficacy ranges from a low of about 40% to as high as 70%. Compared to other vaccines, not very good. But better than nothing. And since the down side of taking it (pain in the arm, a yuck feeling for a day or two and may be mild fever) is minor compared to getting the flu (hight fever, away from work for up to a week, feeling really bad for a week, and possible hospitalization and death) then it really does pay to get the shot. I have had a flu shot every year since 1979. I’ve never had a side effect. I’ve also never had the flu. Get the shot.

Dr. K


In answer to your question "how effective is the flu shot," I can say that it is effective enough to keep most people out of the hospital and intensive care units and off the ventilator. Over recent years, the flu vaccine has proven about 50%-60% effective in preventing influenza illness, but much more effective in preventing serious illness. So, after receiving a flu shot, even if one gets the flu, it is usually much milder than what would have been if one did not get the vaccine. This COVID-19 year we are very fortunate to have minimal influenza in most communities due to the great majority of the population wearing face masks, social distancing, and washing hands or using hand sanitizer appropriately. Better to have gotten the flu shot and gotten mild flu, than to never have gotten the shot at all.

Dr. T

The flu shot is very effective. Even if someone gets the flu after getting the vaccine, it is a lot milder. I recommend everyone getting the vaccine.