Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How can I slow down myopia in my child?

My daughter has myopia. How can I slow down myopia in my child?

3 Answers

Reading glasses
See an ophthalmologist who specializes in treating myopia progression. And at home, stop your child from using devices at near so much. Such as phones, iPads and gaming devices that caused them to focus a lot at near. More near activities will result in more myopia. There are different therapies that are available to prevent progression. Steven Vale, M. D. President & Medical Director Acuity Laser Eye and Vision Center And InterMountain Eye Associates, P.C. Office:(877)520-EYES Email: svale@acuitylaservision.com
There are a few myopia control treatments. Some include: glasses, contact lenses, low dose atropine drops. A complete ophthalmologic evaluation can help determine which is the best option for your child.