“How can I straighten my hammer toes at home?”
I have hammertoes. How can I straighten my hammer toes at home?
8 Answers
They make different devices to help straighten hammertoe, but they do not work in permanently straightening the toe. I hammertoe is caused by an imbalance of tendons. The only way to permanently straighten the toe is through some type of surgery. Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM Texas Foot WorksDallas, Athens and Gun Barrel City Texas214-340-8885
Unfortunately, the only way to correct a hammertoe is with surgery. There is no splint that can be worn or exercises that can be done to correct a hammertoe.
Generally speaking, no, the hammer toe is a mechanical and structural problem with the foot, tendons, joints, and bones involved. best I can recommend is for you to see a podiatrist regarding this. For the exam then take an Xray, and look for options.