Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

How can I straighten my toes naturally?

I am a 20 year old female. I want to know how can I straighten my toes naturally?

7 Answers

There are some splints which work well. But that is pretty much only preventative or prevents the toe from becoming more crooked. Hammertoes are hereditary and the only way to actually fix the deformity is through surgery

You can try to tape them in a plantar sling taping.
Curvature of your toes can be both congenital and secondary to some form of compensation in your gait or from shoe gear. Low impact barefoot activities can be beneficial in strengthening the intrinsic musculature of your feet with helps balance and maintain a straight position of your toes. Stretching and massaging can also be beneficial. Although it may not fit in line with your natural goals and orthotic or shoe insert can also be very beneficial in minimizing the mechanical strain in your foot which may be leading to the toe deformities.
Can't be done. Can buy shoes with deeper toe box to reduce symptoms.
If the toes are not straight due to soft tissue abnormality such as tendon shortening or muscle weakness you can try appropriate shoe wear (proper fit and non-constricting) and exercises for foot. If it is truly a bone abnormality then it is likely to require surgery. I would suggest an evaluation by an orthopedic surgeon specializing in foot/ankle or a good podiatrist to evaluate your feet. Good luck.
Simple answer- you can’t. They are bent because there is a muscle-tendon imbalance between those that flex your toes and the ones that extend them.
The devices you see advertised do not work.

Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to straighten the nails.