Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How can you tell if your spine is out of alignment?

I have chronic lower back pain. I want to treat it. Is it out of alignment?

7 Answers

Sometimes it's obvious sometimes it's subtle. But as you are aligned regularly you will recognize the difference more
A good physical exam and x-ray can be very helpful. It’s not something you can just do on your own. Please get seen by a board-certified were bored eligible orthopedist.
It's obvious that your back needs to be checked.
Hi, this is Dr James Cassillo!

I am a chiropractor. I do not know if I am out of alignment unless I lay down on the table and get checked by a chiropractor. Most people are walking around thinking that they are fine, but their spines are slightly misaligned interfering with their ability to be 100% of their potential. Of course, if you fall off the ladder or down the stairs, it’s a different story! Then you know you’re probably out of place. Otherwise, get your spine checked today!

Jesus loves you and so does Dr Jim!
This is an easy diagnosis to make. A chiropractor, physical therapist, orthopedic specialist or physiatrist can usually easily make the diagnosis by just visual inspection of your back. X-rays are also helpful. But you should know that just because it is out of alignment does not mean that you have to have back pain and there may be many other sources of your lower back pain so try to obtain an evaluation as soon as possible.
Alignment of the spine is best determined through X-rays. There are lots of reasons for chronic lower back pain that do not include alignment, but all of the diagnoses from lower back muscular strain, to arthritis, to fractures and misalignments are best evaluated first with an X-ray. After the X-ray is done, your doctor will be able to guide you in the next steps for solidifying the diagnosis and how to treat it.

Jeffrey R. Carlson, MD