Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Physiatrist

How do I get my sciatic nerve to stop hurting?

My sciatic nerve hurts a lot. How can I fix it? Should I see a doctor?

6 Answers

Sciatic nerve pain can be helped with certain exercises including stretches of the back and hamstrings pkys exercises to strengthen core muscles. I have had heat success using homeopathy medicines for nerve pain such as sciatica. They are safe, inexpensive, don't interact with other prescriptions. If your pain has been persistent at least 2 weeks, yes-yoi should see a doctor.. if you would like to work with me or find more information to help your sciatica, check out my posts on social media or visit my website:
Sciatic pain is pain radiated down the lower extremity caused possibly by a disc herniation, a spur from degenerative arthrosis pushing on the nerve now at a critical point, spasm of the piriformis muscle and also sometimes associated to sacroiliac joint disfunction or narrowing of the spinal canal. Each condition has a treatment including spine surgery if necessary with quite good success if the pain is mainly the leg. You can see a pain physician. I think he or she can be the best option to guide the process, diagnostically and therapeutically.
You should see a PM&R specialist or a neurologist. Sciatica pain can be caused by multiple conditions. It requires proper evaluation.
Seeing a doctor is a good idea. Most of the time, sciatic nerve pain is multifactorial, and it could be coming from your spine, weakness in your hip, how you are built, or restrictions in the muscles in your hip and legs. Typically, a doctor will give you some medication along with treatment options, including rudimentary exercises and a referral to physical therapy.
Chiropractic treatment including "Flexion Distraction" is very helpful for sciatica. Myofascial release can also be helpful to free up any peripheral nerve entrapments.