Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How do I improve dry eyes?

I am a 19 year old male. I want to know how can I improve dry eyes. How do I improve dry eyes?

5 Answers

The first step is knowing why you have dry eyes. There can be many reasons for this. I suggest you see your eye care provider and be tested. Then the appropriate treatment can be instituted.

Frank Cao
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Dry eye symptoms can be improved by using artificial tears.
There are many available treatments for dry eyes. Typically, the first line of treatment is artificial tears, or lubricating drops without any other medication in them (for example something for redness or allergies). These can be used as needed or on a regular schedule daily. For a majority of patients, this is an adequate treatment for resolution of symptoms. More aggressive therapies include punctal plugs to increase the duration of tears in the eye, prescription eye drops, or bandage contact lenses. In very severe cases where there is a risk of permanent loss of sight, surgical intervention can be warranted.
Eye drops, punctual plugs, etc.