Dentist Questions Dentist

How do you clean an extracted tooth hole?

I had a tooth extraction yesterday. I want to know how can I clean an extracted tooth hole?

2 Answers

Take the syringe and place the tip in a cup of warm salt water. While the tip is submerged, pull back on the plunger to fill the syringe. Place the tip of the syringe over the extraction site hole, and flush out the lower extraction sites only.
Do not clean the extraction socket. The blood clot in the socket should not be disturbed, it will be needed for the healing process. If you remove the blood clot, the jaw bone will be exposed to the oral cavity, it will cause dry socket or infection of the jaw bone. In the meantime, you must brush all the teeth around the extracted one with a regular toothbrush and gently rinse your mouth with mild salt water (salty enough like the soup you drink) in the area of extraction to disinfect.