“How do you know if your gums are healing after a tooth extraction?”
I am a 22 year old male. I wonder how can I know if my gums are healing after a tooth extraction?
12 Answers
Your mouth has great healing properties. And normal healing for the hole to be completely filled in can take a few months. But the gums will seal within 7-14 days.
At first there will be a white area where the tooth was extracted surrounded by a red area. After the first week this will not be as red, then the area will slowly get covered by the gum growing aver the area. This healing is the same as any cut on your arm its just that it is waterlogged from your saliva, so the first part is white. Depending on the extraction there may be little chips of bone that come out over time.
A tooth extraction socket will heal from the bottom up so sometimes it is hard to tell if it is healing. In addition, the area may appear white and get mistaken for an infection. Essentially, and usually, the white you are seeing is just a scab that has formed and when a scab is under constant moisture it turns white. You may have noted this on another part of your body after taking a bath or shower, or swimming in a pool. Time and being gentle in the area is the best way to let your body heal.
No pain, no swelling means it’s healing. If you're in doubt, visit your dentist to check out the tooth socket and your healing.
After an extraction, your body heals from inside of the socket and also from the gums around the tooth. The gums will slowly grow over the extraction site and this can take around 2 weeks. There are seldom complications, but if so, you may notice increasing pain by about 3-4 days after the extraction.
After extraction, your gums will be inflamed, but they will heal quickly. Healing gums are pink and not swollen or red. Slight puffiness is expected, but after a few days, there will be no swelling on the outside of the face and no aching. Gums can be tender to touch for up to 1-2 weeks following the extraction.
Generally, your healing should be fine if you experience diminishing discomfort or no pain for the first week following an extraction. However, the average extraction area will take about 8 weeks to completely heal.
The site that is healing. It will turn pink within a 7-10 day period. The aching is subsiding and it feels more tingly and itchy rather than painful.
An indication of healing after the extraction of a tooth is the gum tissue will start to close around the extraction site. Should you develop a fever, swelling, or experience shooting pain from the extraction site, contact your dentist.
Best Regards,
Dr. Stoddart
Best Regards,
Dr. Stoddart
Are you asking "wisdom teeth" teeth extraction? If the tooth was extracted without complication, the hole (where the tooth was) will be filled with bone and tissue, and will look as if nothing happened in a few months. If it was a complicated extraction, there can be some unfavorable experiences, and the healing area can be bumpy.