“How do you know when to stop antidepressants?”
I have depression and I am taking antidepressants already 2 months. How do you know when to stop antidepressants?
5 Answers
If your mood is improving and you are doing well on your current dose. Typically staying on the current dose for a 6 months while receiving therapy to learn how to manage your mood without medications would be recommended.
If it's your first episode of depression then the recommendation is to continue treatment for 12-18 months.... the second episode, 2-3 years, three or more episodes, long-term treatment.
All situations are different, but it is generally recommended that you continue to take an antidepressant for 6 to 12 months after you feel completely better. Your provider can work with you to determine the right time to do this. You never want to stop the medication abruptly. You should gradually wean off the medication slowly to make sure your symptoms don't return and to make sure you don't have withdrawal symptoms. Make sure to talk to your provider about all of this in advance. Good luck!
The recommendation has been that if you are experiencing your first depressive episode, as categorized through a formal evaluation, then you take the antidepressant for 6 months and then have your doctor evaluate the need to continue. If you then experience your 2nd depressive episode, then the recommendation is to continue an antidepressant medication long term or possibly indefinetly depending on your treatment course.
If you are in tx with a psychiatrist ,discuss it with him. If not, no antidepressant works well in 2 months. I would suggest a 6 month trial, then if not depressed you can taper the dose over the next 3 months till finished. Remember the drugs name so if you need it again and like it you can use it again saving time and money.