“How do you recover from spinal anesthesia?”
I am a 30 year old female. I want to know how do you recover from spinal anesthesia?
6 Answers
You do not need to try actively. When the medication is metabolized, you will start getting all your functionality back.
A spinal anesthetic wears off by itself and the timing depends on the local anesthetic used. The most common local anesthetic used is bupivacaine, which provides surgical numbness for 90-120 minutes and then recedes over the next 60-120 minutes, depending on the concurrent use of epinephrine with the bupivacaine.
During a spinal anesthesia block, a small dose of local anesthetic is placed in the subarachnoid space and mixes with the cerebrospinal fluid to achieve loss of sensation to the lower body. The local anesthesia drug used is metabolized through natural mechanisms of the body, i.e., blood, liver, kidneys, etc.
I'm not sure how to answer this question. A spinal anesthetic slowly wears off, the speed it wears off at is determined by the drug and the amount used. If you are having surgery that involves moderate to severe post-op pain, it's important to start your pain meds before the spinal wears off.
The medication diffuses away from the spinal cord (where it is metabolized) and normal function is restored.