“How do you remove a contact lens that won't come out?”
I am a 24 year old male. I want to know how do you remove a contact lens that won't come out?
6 Answers
Before you attempt to remove your stuck contact lens, wash your hands. Most times, the contact gets stuck while centered on your cornea. In this case, it's possible that the lens dried out while in your eye. Alternatively, it can happen when you fall asleep without first removing your lenses. If this happens, use a steady stream of sterile saline, multipurpose contact lens solution, or contact lens rewetting drops to irrigate the stuck contact and your eye for a few seconds. Once done, close your eyes and carefully massage your upper eyelid until you can feel the lens start to move. Its possible for your contact lens to remain stuck, even after following the instructions above. If this persists, try repeating the previous steps a few more times. Remember to blink a lot each time you rinse your eyes. This helps the lens moisten and gives it a chance to move off the eye. It can take several attempts and up to 15 minutes before the lens becomes rehydrated. It takes patience to remove a stuck contact lens. But as soon as it moves freely, remove the lens as you normally would. But if these techniques don't work, you need to visit your eye doctor. He or she can help remove your lens in a safe and efficient manner. It's better to pay for this instead of paying for treatment to correct any damage.
An eye doctor can remove the lens with special forceps after placing numbing and lubricating eye drops. There may be corneal injury or damage due to a stuck lens that may also need to be treated.
Take your time. Put in tear drops to lubricate your eye. Don't get frustrated. You can always see your local ophthalmologist or optometrist to assist you.