Surgeon Questions surgeon

How do you stop a stomach hernia from hurting?

I have a stomach hernia. It hurts bad. How do you stop a stomach hernia from hurting?

6 Answers

There aren’t stomach hernias. Sometimes a stomach may be involved in a paraesophageal or hiatal hernia. Can try PPI meds but usually the definitive symptom relief is to have it surgically corrected.
If it is an abdominal wall hernia one way to relieve the pain is to wear an abdominal binder or hernia belt. Of course, that is only a temporary fix. The best way to stop a hernia from hurting is to have surgery to repair the hernia.
By stomach hernia I assume you have a hiatal hernia. Most commonly these are small, maybe 1 to 4 inches. This just means the stomach is 1-4 inches above the diaphragm and up into the chest. Personally I do not think this causes pain. However, hiatal hernias can worsen reflux which could cause esophagitis and both of these can cause pain. I recommend anti acid therapy with a PPI like Omeprazole and consultation with a Gi or Surgeon.
You come see me for an evaluation. Don’t blame this on a hiatal hernia and miss something more important!

Best regards,
Rad Constantine
You can keep pressure over the area with tight clothing or an abdominal binder to help with the pain. Ultimately, surgery is recommended.