Dentist Questions Dentist

How do you stop cavities from growing?

I am a 24 year old male. I want to know how do you stop cavities from growing?

11 Answers

By getting it filled/ using Wright technique of brushing & flossing regularly
Once a cavity penatrates beyond the enamel and into the underlying dentin, only dental restorative treatment can be performed to stop the progression of the disease.
Stay brushing and go to your dentist to fill that cavity for you as soon as possible.
Not quite sure of your actual questions. Small cavities will get larger if they are left untreated. Ultimately these teeth that started with small cavities will develop cavities that either require root canal treatment or you may even need to have the tooth extracted. If your question is "how do you prevent cavities?" then the answer is good oral hygiene, a health diet, and frequent checkups and cleanings with your dental professional.
Once a cavity starts, you will need to have it fixed to stop growth. Sugars, carbohydrates, acidic drinks all increase growth rates though. Stopping a cavity happens when a filling is placed.

Cavities are caused by bacteria. You have to have the teeth restored and remove the source of the infection.
Can't really stop that once you have them. They just grow at different rates for different people.
It is not always possible to stop cavities from growing. Best to have your dentist fix them. Using fluoride toothpaste and flossing and brushing is the best fight against cavities. 

Better oral hygiene, less sugar and maintain a healthy diet, visit a dentist to get the cavities treated ASAP.
The only way to keep cavities from growing is to get the teeth restored. If, you do not get them fixed the decay can get to the nerve of the tooth and then it will need a root canal or the tooth will need to be extracted.
Tooth decay (cavities) is "cancer" of the teeth. The decay needs to be removed to stop it from growing.