Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

How do you treat an infected sunburn?

I have an infected sunburn on my back. How do you treat an infected sunburn?

2 Answers

Hydration, place a cold damp compress on the blister and this will dissipate the heat from the blister, apply moisturizer with aloe, do not pop the blister. Go to the health care provider to treat the infection medically. Staphylococcus microorganism infection needs to be treated. Please, go to either an UR or ER for treatment. Thank you.
Do you really have an infection? Do you see pus, blisters associated with thick fluid? Doe it itch? If so, treat it with neosporin or calamine lotion depending on presentation. Calamine if it looks kind of like poison ivy or itches? A Benadryl may help with the itch as well. Also treat sunburn itself with aloe. See an internist if it does not improve.

RB Thomas, MD