Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

How does acupuncture help relieve stress?

I am a 38 year old female. I want to know how does acupuncture help relieve stress?

21 Answers

Baleens meridian .
The mechanism is very complicated. In Chinese Medicine emotion is not only related nerve system but also related to liver, heart and spleen, especially, liver functions etc. Each acupoint can acts on multiple organs at the same time. In modern words, Acupuncture can regulate and adjust the level of multiple neurotransmitter and hormones synergistically, resulting in profound effects on nerve system and multiple other organs at the same time.
It depends on what causes the stress, which organ function is affected, then acupuncture at the right points will relieve stress. Acupuncture is like using sets of points to unlock the brain to create the right chemical reaction to help relieve your stress.
Acupuncture treatment triggers very specific hormones to create therapeutic effects. Assessment and treatment always should be done by Licensed Acupuncturist
Dr. Lejla
Acupuncture releases a lot of the "feel-good" hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and oxytoxin. This helps bring the body out of the "flight or fight" mode and relieves stress on the body.

Check out our videos of how we've helped our patients manage their stress:
Research within the past few decades has proven acupuncture can relieve conditions relating to pain and anxiety/stress as well as sleep. Those research studies have stated that the insertion of filiform needles (acupuncture needles) will stimulate alpha-adenosine in the muscles, similar to the relaxation effect of massages on the muscle tissue, only on a deeper and microcellular level. Other research articles state that with the insertion of the needles beta-endorphins, those feel good chemicals, are released in the brain and therefore pain is relieved with the stimulation of the needles signaling the body to repair itself. More research has also found that acupuncture can relieve the inflammations in the body, including inflammations caused by stress like sore muscles or tension headaches. So, stress affecting someone with physical pain, inflammation, added anxiety and affecting the quality of life can benefit from acupuncture in these aspects. In my years of practice, patients have also told me the side-effects they've experienced have benefitted them as well, like stimulated metabolism/bowel movements and easier sleep cycles.

Live Happy,

Stimulating specific points in the body by acupuncture helps increase the body's natural feel-good hormones and reduces the level of stress hormones like cortisol.
Thank you.
Hello. Acupuncture treats stress in a variety of ways. We can talk in terms of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or we can talk in the language of neurobiology. Either way, there is a therapeutic effect.
In terms of TCM, Stress is considered primarily as a stagnation of Liver Qi. And depending on the effect of that stagnation on other systems, you will get a variety of symptoms. The liver acts as a kind of reservoir for blood and has a regulatory effect. For example let's look at muscle tension as a result of stress. If the liver qi is stagnant then the blood won't flow freely, then overworked muscles won't be getting new fresh blood as readily and there will be accumulation of muscular waste products and the muscles will fatigue and tighten up. This leads to an increase in the pressure that the heart needs to pump that blood through.
Acupuncture to address the liver qi and the affected muscles leads to good results.

From a biomedical perspective acupuncture causes the release of endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and other signaling molecules. It has normalizing effects on the autonomic nervous system (I e; " fight or flight " response is turned down. And in general acupuncture seems to help the body communicate within itself more effectively.
The felt experience from a patients perspective is often a sense of ease and lihhtness in their body, a kind of clarity of mind and a feeling of hope and happiness.

The Upledger Institute has proven through research that acupuncture increases serum levels of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.


Natalie Ramsey, MS LAc
When someone is stressed, their neurotransmitters are out of balance. Acupuncture works by bringing the body back into homeostasis ( balance ). Auricular acupuncture is particularly effective in balancing the neurotransmitters found in the brain and nervous system.
Acupuncture rebalances the energy in the body. When someone is stressed their sympathetic nervous system is in overdrive. The needles rebalance and activate the parasympathetic nervous system is, creating calm and relieving stress.
Hello there!

Acupuncture works amazingly well to reduce stress.
Acupuncture helps to bring the body back into balance which naturally causes stress relief.
Yes, 110%!
Brings energy down from above to below
Studies show that acupuncture relieves stress by changing your body from the sympathetic nervous state, to a parasympathetic nervous state. What that means is that it stops your body from continuing the "fight or flight" response, which allows you to relax.
Acupuncture doesn't relieve stress. Stress is like breathing, it continues. Acupuncture relieves the effects of least until you absorb/internalize more. :-) If I poke you with a magic needle, it doesn't change your boss being a jerk who undervalues your labor, or your partner treating you the way every human deserves to be treated; it just helps you release the build-up of that in your body-mind-spirit system. Hopefully that makes sense.... We also have the tools to teach you how to change so stress isn't as impactful.
Practical acupuncture points can promote blood circulation to relieve stress.
In Chinese medicine, there is an emotion associated with every organ, so as we are treating the physical body, we are treating the emotional body, as well. Stress, anxiety, depression are some of my favorite things to treat because acupuncture works so well on them. I encourage you to give it a try.
Acupuncture promotes the parasympathetic side of the autonomic nervous system. This is the system that acts in opposition to the sympathetic or 'fight or flight' portion of the autonomic system.

The parasympathetic system has a variety of physiological effects which act in the aggregate to calm someone down, promote proper digestion and absorption of food, and several other biological activities generally associated with being in a more relaxed state.