Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

How does alcohol affect diabetes type 2?

I am a 19 year old female. I want to know how does alcohol affect diabetes type 2?

3 Answers

While alcohol can lower blood sugar levels, it also has the potential to increase them. Regular, long-term use of alcohol has been shown to increase insulin resistance. This means drinking can make it even harder for people with type 2 diabetes (which is defined by elevated glucose levels) to manage their blood sugar.
Alcohol contains a lot of "empty calories" and in itself will mess with your sugars (make them go very high). In addition, alcohol causes liver damage, and can make you more prone to gallstones, which can then cause pancreatitis. If you are a T2 diabetic, I would recommend avoiding alcohol completely.
Good morning,

All forms of alcohol (beer, wine and spirits) are sugar and so consumption of these beverages will drive up your blood sugar. Chronic and excessive use of alcohol can also irritate your pancreas which is the organ that produces insulin. If you do decide to drink adult beverages it would be best to be VERY moderate. One or two drinks at most at one sitting and no more than once or twice weekly. Monitor your blood sugar carefully. Best strategy quite frankly is to just not drink alcohol and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO